The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Children and Family Conference | Hand in Hand

“Inspiration, resourcing, networking and personal refreshment”

The Hand-in-Hand conference is for anyone working in the areas of children’s and family ministry in church, whether a professional or volunteer. It aims to provide biblical insight, basic training, deeper insight into new thinking and practical ideas for the ministry as well as times for prayer, worship and personal refreshment

Three children and family workers from the Methodist Church in Ireland attended the 2023 conference and here’s what they had to say about it:

“When I was asked to attend the hand in hand conference I didn’t fully know what to expect but I wasn’t ready for the way God moved and spoke over the weekend. I was challenged and encouraged being surrounded by many people who are passionate about family and children’s work. I gained many new ideas that I am excited to try with the children and families in my church. The weekend focused a lot about making church intergenerational space and this was something that I was challenged by and actually changed how the family service in my church looked that Sunday; the idea that if we acknowledge that if we are all part of the body of Christ then we all should be given a chance to play our part and for it to be taken seriously. God uses children throughout the bible and still does today so, as adults we need to be ready and expectant to be taught by them as much as we teach them. I loved that it gave the opportunity to really spend time with two people who do the same job as me but in different churches; it was so nice to get to share ideas, encourage each other and worship together. It was really nice to know that I now that two people to journey the highs and lows of children’s ministry with who, like me, do it as their job and for that, I’m so grateful!”

- Emma-Jayne Speers | Shankill & Woodvale Methodist

“The Hand in Hand Conference in Eastbourne was a weekend full of webinars, meaningful conversations, and encountering God through worship and teachings. The highlights of the conference for me were the webinars that I attended and having space to worship and encounter God individually. I also received useful practical resources throughout the weekend via books, apps, and websites. 


The webinars I attended were focused on exploring the topics that are widely present throughout churches. There were many beneficial learnings and perspectives I have brought back with me to use in my ministry within my church, but to highlight a few, they would be:

·       One encounter with God can change a lifetime: create an encountering culture, and this involves intentional action. 

·       Children don’t usually choose their church, their parents/guardians do. Ensure it is inclusive and involves children in all activities and explore ways to create an intergenerational culture. 

·       Love well by listening well to our children and families. Simple, but so impactful. 

·       Acknowledging the ‘big story’ of the Bible.

A quote which has stuck with me from the conference: “The kids are all right, and the older people too, put them with the middle ones, and you’ll see what God can do”.

- Rachel O'Donoghue | Dundrum Methodist Church 

“At the beginning of February I got the opportunity to attend the Hand in Hand Conference in Eastbourne with two other Family and Children’s Workers. It was an intense weekend but filled with lots of opportunities and information. The highlight for me was actually the time spent with the two other workers as we discussed, supported, encouraged and equipped each other. This was invaluable time we wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to experience. I also came away with a renewed vision for the work we are currently doing and inspired once more to consider how we really become intergenerational in our Churches on a deeper level that an all age service. Two areas for me that stood out where the idea of a culture of mentoring in our churches and also how we encourage our children to lead and provide meaningful opportunities for this.”

- Helen Buchanan | Sydenham Methodist Church

Find out more about the conference on their website :