The Methodist Church in Ireland

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President attends funeral of Lord Trimble

Photograph: PA

The President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, the Rev. David Nixon attended the funeral of Lord David Trimble in Harmony Hill Presbyterian Church. The service was led by its minister, the Rev. Fiona Forbes and tributes were paid by the Very Rev. Charles McMullan a former Moderator who had served as an Assistant in Harmony Hall Church.  The Moderator of the General Assembly the Rt. Rev. Dr. John Kilpatrick gave a tribute and pronounced the Benediction.

The President was joined by the Most Rev. Noel Treanor, Bishop of Down and Connor and the Ven. Terence Scott, representing the Archbishop of Armagh, the Most Rev. John McDowell who is currently attending the Lambeth Conference.

Among others attending were the President of Ireland, H.E. Michael D. Higgins, Prime Minister Boris Johnston and the Irish Taoiseach Micheál Martin.  The current Northern Ireland Secretary of State and his Minister of State at the Northern Ireland Office as well as several former Secretaries of State were in attendance. Former Taoiseach Bertie Ahearn who worked closely with Lord Trimble also attended.

 The Irish Methodist President said:

“The cross-section of political life from both the Irish Republic, Great Britain and Northern Ireland and beyond was a tribute to Lord Trimble’s ability to endeavour to build bridges. His contribution to political life both locally and internationally was considerable and his status as a significant political thinker will, I believe be upheld by history.”

The Leaders of the Ulster Unionist Party, Democratic Unionist Party Sinn Fein, TUV SDLP and Alliance also attended.


Issued by:
Rev. Roy Cooper (07710945104)

Press Officer
