The Methodist Church in Ireland

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MCI President responds to events surrounding anti-immigration protests

A statement from the President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, the Rev Dr John Alderdice:

The Methodist Church in Ireland remains gravely concerned about the events surrounding the anti-immigration protests taking place across the streets of Belfast and in other parts of the United Kingdom in recent days. 

As with other churches and civic organisations we condemn the intimidation, racially motivated attacks and the destruction of property and businesses. We call upon anyone planning to attend further protests or counter protests not to do so. 

In Northern Ireland we commend the on-going work of the PSNI and other community organisations who are working tirelessly to de-escalate tension and bring peace back to our streets.

We acknowledge the significant social and economic challenges that so many in our society face in these days. These challenges will only be overcome by people working together for the benefit of everyone in our community.  

Anti-immigration protests do not in any way reflect or defend the Christian faith. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to welcome all, to love our neighbours, and to support those who are in greatest need in our communities whatever their background.


Stephen Mayes
Press & Communications Manager | +44 (0)28 9076 7946