The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Praying for Morocco

Following the devastating earthquake that struck Morocco late on Friday 8th September, the President of the Methodist Church in Ireland, the Rev David Turtle has issued the following:

“While we live in a world where it seems that every day we are confronted with tragedy leading to death and destruction, it is still with a profound sense of shock that we witness the devastating impact of the earthquake in Morocco. To date, over 2100 people have lost their lives.

My prayers and those of the Methodist people are for those mourning the loss of loved ones, those injured, those clinging to life amidst the rubble, and those continuing to searching for them. We also pray for a swift response from both Morocco and the international community which will see generous, effectively coordinated aid and support for survivors.”


Gracious Lord bring some sense of order out of this chaos.

Give comfort to all who have lost loved ones,

strength and success to those seeking people who may still be alive in or under collapsed buildings,

healing and hope for those barely holding onto life.

We pray for resilience, grace and practical support for all who face unimaginable challenges in these days.
