The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Service of Thanksgiving for Rev. Bob Bagnall

A Service of Thanksgiving for the life and ministry of the Rev. Bob Bagnall was held in Ballyholme Methodist Church on Saturday 6th August, 2022.

As befitted Bob, the church was packed with his family and friends.

The Rev. Harold Good conducted the service while the Rev. David Kerr offered the pastoral prayers. The main tribute was given by Bob’s former colleague and friend, the Rev. Henry Keys.

The congregation heard that one person had described Bob as “the epitome of grace”, and that was obvious to all who knew him.

The Rev. Bob Bagnall began his ministry in 1950 and was the “Father of the Conference”.

The President was not able to be present but his words were read by the Lay Leader of Conference Mr. Tom Wilson:

“I send the love and prayers of the Methodist Church to Ann, Nial, Colin, Ruth and the wider family circle. While Bob’s time on Circuit was limited, his ministry was exercised in the field of education.  His name is revered amongst those students he taught during his many years of ministry in Methodist College as both chaplain and Head of RE.

He along with others was responsible for much of the GCSE and A-level religious education syllabus.

We also thank God for the work of Ann who together with Bob provided a “home from home” for many of the boards, especially those from overseas.

May you as a family know the presence and peace of the Risen Lord, both today and always.”


Issued by:
Rev. Roy Cooper (07710945104)

Press Officer
