The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Two Pioneer Mission Leaders commissioned at Conference

Two Pioneer Mission Leaders were commissioned at the Irish Methodist Conference on Saturday 10th June 2023 which took place at Assembly Buildings in Belfast. 

Pioneer Mission leaders are women and men, both lay and ordained, commissioned by the Methodist Church in Ireland and led by the Spirit to join with God in culturally relevant mission amongst those whom we may not encounter through the life of our local church. 


Neil Curran was commissioned as a Pioneer Mission Leader in the Braniel estate in Belfast. 

Neil writes: 

Braniel Church in East Belfast have felt a real calling from God to move away from old habits to new ways of engaging with local community; altering how we "be church" without compromising on biblical principles. We see situations and circumstances in which God is at work and we want to get alongside Him in this. Changing from a Sunday centred community to living wholeheartedly as followers of Jesus 24/7. 

Funded by Belfast City Council, Home Mission and Church Development board, BASE Braniel (Belong, Achieve, Support and Encourage) will open from Summer 2023, a brand new community hub on the church site which will be used for community engagement projects that better support the community, and in turn allow us to share the good news of Jesus with them. 

What would our communities look like if everyone was a follower of Jesus? How can we make it happen? 

I felt a real confirmation of call for myself during conference, a sense of peace that I was stepping into what God was asking of me personally. It was also amazing to have the support and kind words offered by both ministers and lay people who were there, who also said they’d continue to pray for us in Braniel as we step into this fresh journey with God.

Learn more here.



Steven Foster was commissioned as a Pioneer Mission leader in Country Galway.   

Steven writes: 

“Over the years I've considered stepping out to explore a new, different expression of Christian community and that is what I'm now doing in East County Galway. My main focus since January has been on getting to know anyone I can and getting involved in community activities, groups, schools and more. As I do, I am seeking ministry opportunities. I am looking out for people who may want to meet in Christian fellowship. In particular I am seeking community that is active in mission from the start and wholeheartedly loving. 

You may wish to like 'Confounders (Galway)' on Facebook. We see a confounding God in Jesus and in lives transformed, and so his church must be confounding rather than tame in today's challenging world.  

I was cautious about being commissioned because of a concern that it brings the expectation of a particular outcome. However, I was also very thankful and blessed by it as it underlined that this is about what God is doing and designing ahead. Please pray for open doors, a sensitivity to what God is doing and boldness.

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