The Methodist Church in Ireland

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Praying for the Donbas Region

Through Church in Chains, World Mission Partnership shares regular prayer requests for persecuted Christians around the world. Church in Chains is an Irish organisation that encourages prayer and action in support of the persecuted church. Over the next couple of months, please pray for the Donbas Region in Eastern Ukraine:

  • Persecution of non-Russian Orthodox Christians in the Donbas region has intensified since the Russian invasion of Ukraine last year and the ongoing war. Pray for protection for all Christians living under occupation.

  • Russian soldiers have issued threats to many evangelical Christians in the region, calling them "American spies," "sectarians," and "enemies of the Russian Orthodox people”. Pray for courage and strength for Christians seeking to worship and witness amidst such hostility.

  • Pray for the congregation of Holy Trinity Evangelical Church in Mariupol in Donetsk Region. Their building, which survived the 2022 fighting in the city, is now being used to house Russian military officers. Pray for the church members as they seek to gather together for worship.

  • Voice of the Martyrs Korea which is supporting churches in Donbas asks: “Pray that as church buildings are confiscated, the Lord will use these circumstances to spread the gospel into homes, surrounding communities, and into the countryside.”