MCI Formation student visits UMC Poland
Jennifer Gault, a formation student in the Methodist Church in Ireland, tells us about her upcoming visit to the United Methodist Church in Poland, from 24th juNE- 4TH JULY.
Jennifer currently serves on the Cookstown and South Derry Circuit.
My name is Jennifer Gault and I’m a formation student for ordained ministry with MCI. I’m from Limavady, currently serving in the Cookstown and South Derry circuit in the NW District. Later this month, I’ll be spending some time with the Polish Methodist church, experiencing what ministry and mission looks like for them.
The visit to Poland is part of my training to be a minister. UMC Poland is linked to MCI’s North Western District, so it seemed very appropriate to use my summer placement as a way to build links and learn from each other, as well as to compare challenges, vision and opportunities as brothers and sisters in the global Methodist church.
I’ll be staying in Kielce, shadowing Pastor Damian Szczepańczyk. I'm interested in finding out how his church has embraced mission to refugees from their neighbouring country Ukraine, as well as breaking down barriers and taking the church outside the walls into what is a predominantly Catholic country. Having a pastoral heart and background in community (first in nursing, then Pioneer mission) I’m especially excited about engaging in the community and meeting people.
I’m grateful for this opportunity and looking forward to seeing what doors God opens with it. I have never had the chance to do anything like this before; I'm excited, but also a little apprehensive about leaving my family at home. I take comfort from Proverbs 3:5-6, which says in The Message translation:
Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
don’t try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go;
he’s the one who will keep you on track.
Please pray for:
Safe travels.
Building relationships with the ministry team in Kielce and wider Methodist church in Poland.
Opportunities to engage with the community and assist with mission in the city.
My family, as they manage at home without mum for 10 days!