Meeting with Global Mission Fellows
Last week, WMP Co-Ordinator David Nesbitt met with three Global Mission Fellows serving in Ireland. The Global Mission Fellows is a programme of the United Methodist Church.
Global Mission Fellows are young adults, ages 20–30, who are committed to serve in social justice ministries for two years. They enter into new communities, understanding their challenges and assets through relationships and with the long-term goal to overcome systemic oppression. Fellows partner with community organizations to address a variety of issues, including migration/immigration, education, public health and poverty.
Inviting young adults from around the world to See Differently and Serve Differently.
Benjamin Rose and Isabelle Mbako Matshik are based with the SURF Project in Portrush, and Ricardo Escobar works with the North West Mission in Derry/Londonderry.
It was great to hear about their experiences in Ireland, and to gain their perspective on how MCI might learn from other churches.
All three were keen to encourage young people in Ireland to consider the Global Mission Fellowship program, which is open to anyone between the ages of 20 and 30. If you’d be interested in hearing more, you can contact David or visit the UMC website.
If you’d like to support Ben, Isabelle and Ricardo in their work, you can make a donation via their UMC profiles: Ben | Isabelle | Ricardo
David with Ben and Isabelle
David and Ricardo
*Update October 2022:
It’s been an exciting month for the Surf Project, we have hired Matthew our new Team and Events Manager and we have had our new intern Jade arrive through the Global Mission Fellows organisation. We are excited to see what these guys to bring to team moving forward.
We would apricate your prayer in these areas:
Giving thanks to God for the work that has already been done in the Surf Project and that those seeds that have been planted would grow into people who love Jesus!
The Surf Project as we look towards the future, that God would direct us in that so that his kingdom can be glorified, and his will be done.
Our 2 existing GMFs Isabelle and Ben as they head to Kenya for GMF training. Pray for safety and that they would grow in their faith out there.
That Jade and Matthew would fit into the team and feel welcome working for The Surf Project.