A successful and productive Youth and Children’s Advisory Group Day!
Rev Fiona Mccrea reflects on the advisory day held on the 18th of may
The Connexional Youth and Children’s Advisory Group meets four times a year, mainly on zoom, but on Saturday 18th May we had a day together in person in Dromore Methodist which was a real treat! The day began in God’s Word as we read 2 Kings 6 v 8-17, the story of Elisha praying that the eyes of his servant would be opened. Elisha’s servant was trapped by a wrong perspective; he panicked when he saw the troops surrounding them, he feared the worst, and he failed to take into account that God was on his side. He was viewing the situation without the perspective of God. We discussed how it is possible to have the wrong perspective for viewing youth and children’s work around our Connexion and how the strategy, (which was launched at conference last year), is an ideal springboard to encourage us as a Connexion to take a fresh look at our youth and children’s work.
Next we spent some time listening to the staff team sharing what they are noticing through their work. We heard what is challenging them and what is encouraging them, and had time to ask questions and to pray with each member of staff.
Just before lunch we were led by Lisa Best and Emma Fawcett in a conversation about interns. We were given the opportunity to dream dreams for the future of internships and to discuss the positives and negatives of various models.
The sun was shining in Dromore so we headed outside with our sandwiches and had a lovely lunch chatting to one another in the grounds of the church. We even had the chance to catch up with the Harte family who joined us. A special thanks goes to Samuel who shared his homemade chocolate cookies, fresh out of the oven!
Refuelled and refreshed we headed back inside for an afternoon looking at Gen Z and specifically research done by Barna and its implications for discipleship and mission. Joseph Ambrose and Paula Lough led us through some aspects of the research, and we discussed the findings and their relevance to our youth and children today.
All in all we had a fantastic day. It is always a blessing to be together in person and we appreciate those who travelled long distances to share with us at our advisory group/staff team day. We all left Dromore having enjoyed fellowship, and with the challenge to consider our perspective on the youth and children’s work we are involved with locally as well as connexionally.
Our amazing Advisory Group!