7 th - 9th February 2025 | Thomas Street Methodist Portadown |

7 th - 9th February 2025 | Thomas Street Methodist Portadown |


Overflow is our national Young Leaders training weekend where we aim to train young leaders who are 14+, to serve in their local church and communities through youth and children’s work, as well as discovering different ways to serve God in their local context.   

We want young people to learn to lead from a deeply rooted relationship with God, recognise that they have skills, gifts and abilities that come from Him and learn how to use them for the development of His kingdom.


Bookings for Overflow 2025 are now open!

Deadline: 2nd February @ midnight

Cost: £30/€30pp


We are fortunate to have many people connected to our connexion that have great experience teaching their congregations, leading bible studies and walking with their churches and this year we have decided to ask some of them to lead the different sessions this year.

Each session we will be looking at a different Biblical leader some well-known and others not as well known. All while asking the questions, what was the impact of their ministry, what we can learn from them and how can we adapt their teaching to leadership in our local context.


  • 7:00pm Registration

    8:00pm Session 1

    9:30pm Super + Small groups

    10:00pm Banter

  • 8:30am Breakfast

    9:15am Devotions

    10:00am Session 2

    11:30am Small group Time – opportunity to go for coffee

    1:00pm Lunch

    2:00pm Workshop Session 1

    3:00pm Coffee Break

    3:15pm Workshop Session 2

    4:15pm Coffee Break

    4:30pm Workshop Session 3

    5:30pm Free Time

    6:30pm Dinner

    7:30pm Session 3

    9:00pm Supper and Small Group time

    10:00pm Banter

  • 8:00am Breakfast & Pack up

    9:00am Devotions

    9:30am Sunday School Prep

    10:15am Sunday School

    11:15am Seated in Church

    11:30am Church

    1:00pm Lunch

    2:00pm Tidy up

    2:30pm Small Group Evaluations

    3:00pm Home Time

Programme is subject to change


  • These are the basics of leadership, what is leadership? What can it look like? How can I be the best leader I can? Are all questions that leaders ask themselves.

  • Bible Studies are a great place for people to study and learn together, but how do you lead one well? This workshop will be looking at how you lead your group through a bible study, from preparation to the finish product.

  • What does Leadership look like as a volunteer when you have a full-time job? This workshop will look at serving in your church alongside your work.

  • What are some of the skills someone working with young people would need to know? This workshop will provide the opportunity to learn some practical youth work skills or develop the ones you have.

  • How do you communicate to children and young people. This Workshop is all about learning how to build your talk and communicate it to the appropriate audience.

  • We have all played some silly ice breaker games in our youth programmes. But have you ever wondered why youth workers play these. This Workshop will take you through some of our most useful games and the reason why we play them, spoiler, it’s not just because they are fun!

  • This year we will have a prayer room available throughout the weekend. This will be an opportunity for you to spend some time with God.

OVerflow FAQ’s

  • Overflow is a weekend where we aim to train young leaders to serve in their local church and community. Our desire is that the young people will learn to lead out of a deeply rooted relationship with God and recognise that their skills, abilities and passions all come from Him.

    We hope to inspire young people and give them confidence to serve in their local Churches through a weekend of training focused on leadership, using Biblical models and experienced trainers. This is done through workshops, Bible teaching, panels, prayer and quiet time.

  • Teaching
    Focused on Jesus, developing on themes such as building character, leadership and vision, and strategy.

    Led by young people, encouraging young leaders to participate and respond.

    Small Groups
    Young people will get to know their small group by taking part in discussions, interactive activities, prayer and moments of growth.

    Depending on theme, we’ll cover topics such as leadership styles, preparing sessions, children’s craft, dealing with conflict and missional living in the everyday.

    Prayer ministry is available throughout the weekend and can take place within small groups.

  • If you are the young person interested in attending Overflow, please fill out the registration form.

    Registration forms include parental consent forms which your parent/guardian must complete in order to register.

  • Young people can come in groups or they can come on their own. Leaders are not required to be present (unless they wish to or have agreed to volunteer).

    Small group leaders will be assigned to all young people who attend and IMYC staff will be responsible for the care of the young people throughout the weekend.

  • Bookings go live Wednesday 3rd  January and the cost for the weekend will be £/€30. We encourage your home church to cover or at least contribute to this cost. If you are travelling from the South travel grants available, please contact Dani at imyc@irishmethodist.org for a form.

At the heart of Overflow

Worship & teaching

Biblical teaching and space to praise. Allowing us to intentionally seek Gods presence and opening ourselves up to deeper relationship with Him.

Community & fun

Helping young people across the connexion know that they are part of something bigger and that fun and relationship matters.


Opportunities for young people and young adults to use their gifts and hone their talents to bless others.


Space to be prayed for safely, with creative ways to pray and communicate with God.

May every one of you overflow with the grace and favour of our LORD Jesus Christ.

— Philippians 4:23