Update from Gavin Taylor
MCI Mission Associate Gavin Taylor shares an update from Uganda, where he is serving with Engineering Ministries International (EMI).
Counting both terms together, I have been in Uganda for six months now. That puts me three quarters of the way through my time here, which is hard to believe. So much has happened in that time, and I'm so grateful to God for this experience. I am so thankful to those of you who have been praying for me through all this as well!
I have had a good number of opportunities over the last few weeks to lead Bible studies and devotions at the office, as well as do talks and discussion groups with young people. This has been such an answer to prayer as I have been hoping to get more ministry opportunities in the time I have left.
I'd like to share a little about one of the ministries that EMI is supporting here in Uganda, to give an insight to the sort of work EMI does. The Gem Foundation is a Christian orphanage just outside of Kampala that takes in orphans and abandoned children with special needs. Other orphanages just don't have the resources to take children with severe disabilities, so Gem does vital work for these children. They recognise that each child is a precious 'Gem' and loved derly by God. They were established about ten years ago, and were beginning to seriously outgrow the small building in Kampala that they started in. When Gem was able to raise the funds to buy land just outside of Kampla, they partnered with EMI to build the 'Gem Village'. EMI designed and built three residential homes and a clinic on the site, which they moved into in 2020.
They now care for over 50 Gems at the new Gem Village. The children get regular teaching from the Bible, and are taught how much God loves them, even though they may have been abandoned by their own parents for their disabilities. The staff show them the love of God, and are a powerful witness to the Ugandan authorities about the preciousness of these children.
EMI has since designed and build another home on the site, for the children with the most severe needs, helped them switch entirely to solar power, saving them thousands every year, and are in the process of designing a school for the site that will allow the Gems to receive a more formal education than they can currently be provided with.
There is a soft spot for this ministry in the hearts of so many of the staff at EMI, and they light up when they talk about it. The passion EMI staff have for the projects in which they are engaged is inspiring. They truly work for the glory of God, using their skills for the good of the church and the people of Uganda. It has been a real privilege to join them, and I can't believe I have only two months left here.
Please pray for the Gem Foundation, and for EMI as they support the work of gospel-centred ministries in East Africa.
Gavin leading worship at Kampala International Church