Called to Serve?
World Mission Partnership provides a variety of opportunities to serve and learn overseas:
Long-term mission
Serving with sister churches or partner organisationsEncounter Worldwide
3-12 month volunteer placements with sister church overseasGlobal Fellows
2-year mission opportunity for young adults ages 20-30MEET Teams
Short visits for learning, sharing and practical engagement in mission
WMP can also offer helpful advice for churches that are contemplating sending their own teams overseas.
IF gOD is CALLING YOU TO SERVE OVERSEAS, PLEASE contact david nesbitt who WOULD BE DELIGHTED TO help you expore your call.
Tel: (+44)28 9076 7957
Email: worldmission@irishmethodist.org
mission service grant
For many years, Irish Methodists (both lay and ordained) have served with the Mission Partner Programme administered by the Methodist Church in Britain (MCB). Following changes announced in 2023, lay Methodists are no longer able to serve through this programme. However, the Methodist Church in Ireland (MCI) remains committed to supporting both lay and ordained people to serve in mission overseas. The Mission Service Grant is designed to provide this support.
What does the Mission Service Grant offer?
The grant offers financial support toward the cost of serving overseas.
Who does the grant support?
The grant supports Irish Methodists (or people with a close connection to the Methodist Church in Ireland) who are serving with an appropriate organisation.
What is an “appropriate” organisation?
A church or mission agency which is in agreement with MCI’s Statement of Faith, and which shares our ethos and values for mission.
How can I find out more?
For more information or to apply for the grant, contact David Nesbitt (WMP Coordinator): worldmission@irishmethodist.org
encounter worldwide (3-12 months, for volunteers aged 18+)
This programme offers you the chance to put your faith into action in another part of the world. Working alongside local communities, deepening your faith and knowledge of global justice and development, Encounter Worldwide gives you an opportunity to develop skills and learn new ones. If you are passionate about Jesus and have 3-12 months to give to a community somewhere in the world, then Encounter Worldwide could be for you!
The Methodist Churches in Ireland and Britain have partnerships with Methodist Churches and organisations in over 60 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe or the Pacific. On your placement you could be teaching English, using your IT skills to help a church or sharing your skills as a health worker... Placements are tailored to meet individual skills and availability.
You can get more information from the Methodist Church in Britain website.
World Mission Partnership facilitates groups from Ireland travelling to sisters churches overseas. The purpose is to learn, share and engage practically in mission. Groups have visited Togo (2011), Guatemala (2012), Germany (2014), Haiti (2015) and South Africa (2016 & 2018), Ghana (2019) and Germany (2023).
MEET Germany 2023
Global Mission Fellows is a 2-year mission opportunity for young adults ages 20-30. Young adults are invited to engage with the local communities, connect the church in mission and grow in personal and social holiness. This program allows for transformation and leadership development to take place while addressing roots of social injustices with other young people from around the world.
The Global Mission Fellows program has 2 tracks: US-2 and International. Both tracks offer candidates the opportunity to be part of a cohort of other Global Mission Fellows. You will train and regroup with the same young adults throughout the 2 years of service and always have a support group to walk with you through your journey!
Global Fellows