Serving in Ireland
Camille and David
Camille Manangan is a Global Mission Fellow (GMF) serving with North West Mission in Derry-Londonderry. Camille recently visited World Mission Partnership, to talk about her experience of mission in Ireland. It was great to get Camille’s perspective on the ministry of MCI, and to explore ways that Irish and Filipino Methodists might be able to learn from each other.
Camille is keen to encourage young adults in Ireland to consider serving with the GMF programme. The programme is for 20-30-year-olds, offering the opportunity to serve with the United Methodist Church and “partner with community organizations to address a variety of issues, including migration/immigration, education, public health and poverty.”
If you’re interested in learning more about the Global Mission Fellow programme, or other ways of getting involved in overseas mission, World Mission Partnership would love to hear from you.
You can contact David Nesbitt (WMP Coordinator) on or by calling +44 (0)28 9076 7957.